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Release, Relax, Unwind





Image by Conscious Design
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Radhika is an experienced Myotherapist, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, Acutonics Level 1 practitioner and Australia Bush Flower essence consultant living on the Sunshine Coast.


Having an interest in yoga, meditation and health at a young age has led to a love of helping others achieve their goals and sharing her knowledge. Her passion is working with the body as a whole, being a firm believer in taking a holistic approach to healing incorporating body, mind, emotions and environment.  


Combining her knowledge of myotherapy and yoga gives her a deeper understanding and knowledge of dysfunctions and movement patterns.

Through her practice, she strives to align patients and promote well-being in order to keep the mind, body and spirit healthy.  


Radhika is also 'trauma informed' and provides trust, safety, choice and clear communication with her clients to help them get the most out of their treatments.   


Other skills and techniques that can be incorporated or used on their own are tuning forks, flower essences and oils which can assist the client on the emotional and energetic side.


Her treatments are tailored around the clients needs and what is most beneficial for them at that time.


Hicaps available.

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
 you touch everything.

- Lao Tzu 


Therapeutic massage works on assisting you with your health concerns working at a deeper level but also aiming to promote relaxation at the same time, helping with your general health and wellbeing. This effective treatment stimulates the skin and nervous system, helping to relieve pain, reducing stress and tension as well as physical and emotional stress. Some conditions that benefit from therapeutic massage are: headaches, migraines, low back pain, nerve pain, chronic pain, soft tissue sprains and injuries, insomnia related stress and anxiety.  It can be used on a regular basis to maintain relaxation and healthy muscle condition.


Remedial massage is the assessment and treatment of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue to assist in rehabilitation, pain and injury management.  It is used to help the body to return to normal health after injury by reducing or eliminating pain and restoring function.  Remedial massage can help with joints/bones, increase the blood and lymph flow in the injured areas helping to remove blockages, damaged cells and scar tissue which have resulted from injury.

Treatment may include: variety of massage techniques ranging from relax to deep tissue, muscle energy technique (MET), myofascial release technique (MFR), passive stretching, dry needling, cupping, joint mobilisations and exercise rehabilitation.


Sports massage is designed before, during and after training. This style of treatment focuses on enhancing circulation, increasing tissue elasticity, reducing muscle tension and enhancing the athletes proformance. It is a beneficial treatment to help muscles recover, prevent injuries and prepare the body for future exercise. 

 Pre event massage can help with performance and decrease the chance of injury. The goal is increasing circulation and flexibility.  It can be given before exercise or weeks prior to the event. Post event massage can help relax the muscles and help to improve your recovery circulation and flexibility as well as help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). 

Myotherapy is the evidence based assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions. This type of treatment works on nerve, muscle and joint pain and dysfunction. Myotherapy uses modalities such as massage, dry needling, myofasical cupping, tens, taping, mobilisations and exercise prescription.

Some conditions that have benefited from Myotherapy are:  myofascial pain, acute and chronic pain associated with headaches, neck, shoulders, rotator cuff issues, shoulder impingement, back pain, hip pain, golfers/tennis elbow pain, sports injuries ie muscle strains and tears, tendinopathy, occupational injuries, rehabilitation from surgery and many others.


Yoga therapy invites presence and awareness which empowers individuals to embrace the opportunity for change and growth and to progress towards improved health and wellbeing.

This may include reducing or managing symptoms, improving function, helping to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of underlying causes of illness and enhancing health and wellbeing in the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Yoga therapy can also help modify thoughts around conditions and how they can define us and our abilities. This type of therapy can be yoga postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayam), meditation and lifestyle coaching.

The benefits of yoga go well beyond stretching and strengthening the body.  Yoga helps build optimal mind-body health, reaching all body systems and promoting a state of inner connectedness, mental clarity, emotional stability, self-acceptance and self discovery.

Classes are 'Radiant Light Yoga' style which is a combination of Hatha (breath control), Vinyasa (connecting your breath with movement) and strengthening asana.  

Class includes Pranayama, Asana, Shavasana and Meditation.  All asana is modified to suit your level of ability.  

Beginners and pregnant women are all welcome.  


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing.  The word Reiki means "spiritually guided

life force energy".

Reiki is a simple natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self improvement that anyone can use.  Reiki treats the whole person

including body, emotions, mind and spirit.  It has many beneficial effects that include stress reduction, promote relaxation, feeling at peace, healing and wellbeing.  It works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Acutonics Sound Medicine integrates and draws on East Asian medicine, psychology, cosmological studies, science, music theory and the arts.  

The Acutonics Healing System is an energy based non-invasive treatment that is a sound based form of acupuncture.  Using precision calibrated tuning forks which are applied to specific acupuncture and acupressure points to access the body's Meridian and Chakra energy systems. 

These tuning forks represent a natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and planets.  The resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body's natural frequencies.

Acutonics can help a wide range of physical ailments, neurological to psycho-spiritual, emotional and psychological distress.  


Tel: 0409 781 121



1/12 Technology Drive,

Warana  Qld  4575

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